Whether it be the latest leavers’ shenanigans, footy fervour, holidays down south, iron ore riches, or being able to snare a chalet at Rotto, Dean Alston draws WA better than anyone.
His incisive take on our strengths, weaknesses, egos or ignorance, proves that Alston has a way of sketching our lives like no other.

Whether it be the latest leavers’ shenanigans, footy fervour, holidays down south, iron ore riches, or being able to snare a chalet at Rotto, Dean Alston draws WA better than anyone.
His incisive take on our strengths, weaknesses, egos or ignorance, proves that Alston has a way of sketching our lives like no other.

December 12, 2003
Blotto on Rotto
The annual ballot to see who is lucky enough to score a summer villa on Rottnest Island has always triggered debate on how the same select few seem to get the best spots. And, as Alston observed, the western suburbs set were the ones who regularly found their way to the front of the queue.

December 12, 2003
Blotto on Rotto
The annual ballot to see who is lucky enough to score a summer villa on Rottnest Island has always triggered debate on how the same select few seem to get the best spots. And, as Alston observed, the western suburbs set were the ones who regularly found their way to the front of the queue.


June 10, 2008
Blown away
When a mini-hurricane tore through Rockingham, it left the locals — long admired for their flannelette shirts, mullets and tattoos — all shook up.

June 10, 2008
Blown away
When a mini-hurricane tore through Rockingham, it left the locals — long admired for their flannelette shirts, mullets and tattoos — all shook up.

December 30, 2008
Taken for a ride
Canny politicians have mastered the art of how to avert prying eyes away from what the real issues are among families on struggle street. And the Wheel of Perth, which went up on the city’s foreshore in January 2009 before being taken down a year later, probably fell into that category.

December 30, 2008
Taken for a ride
Canny politicians have mastered the art of how to avert prying eyes away from what the real issues are among families on struggle street. And the Wheel of Perth, which went up on the city’s foreshore in January 2009 before being taken down a year later, probably fell into that category.

November 18, 2017
Leavers' antics
For years, Rottnest Island was the favoured destination for leavers’ celebrations. But from around 2015, WA teenagers opted for Dunsborough instead. And while the location may have changed, the antics stayed the same.

November 18, 2017
Leavers' antics
For years, Rottnest Island was the favoured destination for leavers’ celebrations. But from around 2015, WA teenagers opted for Dunsborough instead. And while the location may have changed, the antics stayed the same.


July 25, 2016
Water torture
When the government revealed a plan to recycle sewage for drinking water, it was almost like a personal invitation for Alston to have his say...

November 23, 2017
The ones that got away
The regular restrictions put on WA’s recreational fishing areas meant that tossing a line in the water also meant navigating the finer details of the Department of Fisheries latest by-laws.

January 11, 2018
Winging it
After a stint in prison, fallen West Coast idol Ben Cousins was given a job by his former club in an attempt to help rehabilitate him. After battling a few more hurdles, the Brownlow Medallist would eventually break his addiction shackles.

February 5, 2018
Aced by the government
A change in government also meant a change in funding. With Mark McGowan now calling the shots in WA, the perception was that Labor seats were getting a sympathetic ear - something that was unsettling those who’d become comfortable under eight years of Liberal leadership.

February 5, 2018
Aced by the government
A change in government also meant a change in funding. With Mark McGowan now calling the shots in WA, the perception was that Labor seats were getting a sympathetic ear - something that was unsettling those who’d become comfortable under eight years of Liberal leadership.

October 30, 2019
With Chris Hemsworth joining the likes of Margot Robbie, Hugh Jackman, Sam Kerr and Roger Federer in the quokka-selfie queue, the popularity of our Rottnest Island inhabitant was getting out of control.

October 30, 2019
With Chris Hemsworth joining the likes of Margot Robbie, Hugh Jackman, Sam Kerr and Roger Federer in the quokka-selfie queue, the popularity of our Rottnest Island inhabitant was getting out of control.

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