Religion has often been caught in the cross hairs of Dean Alston.

Carrying a bible in your backpack doesn’t let you off the hook from a cutting Alston cartoon, most of the time in good humour.

And he’ll always find a target. It could be a baby born in Bethlehem, Christmas Mass, three wise men, or just the conservative church battling through the progressiveness of modern society. And his ‘toons’ have brought countless laughs. Amen to that! 

West cartoonist Dean Alston chats with a colleague. Credit: Trevor Collens.

West cartoonist Dean Alston chats with a colleague. Credit: Trevor Collens.

Religion has often been caught in the cross hairs of Dean Alston.

Carrying a bible in your backpack doesn’t let you off the hook from a cutting Alston cartoon, most of the time in good humour.

And he’ll always find a target. It could be a baby born in Bethlehem, Christmas Mass, three wise men, or just the conservative church battling through the progressiveness of modern society. And his ‘toons’ have brought countless laughs. Amen to that! 

West cartoonist Dean Alston chats with a colleague. Credit: Trevor Collens.

West cartoonist Dean Alston chats with a colleague. Credit: Trevor Collens.

December 26, 1989 

Lord, please hear our prayers 

The Christmas mass always had more people packed into the pews than the weekly Sunday service. But how many of those attending were thinking about a baby born in Bethlehem? 

December 26, 1989 

Lord, please hear our prayers 

The Christmas mass always had more people packed into the pews than the weekly Sunday service. But how many of those attending were thinking about a baby born in Bethlehem? 

October 6, 2004 

You’ve got to have faith
— and patience 

The amount of words written over whether the patriarchy of the parish should ever change could fill enough books to overwhelm a library, whereas Alston just needed one cartoon. 

December 24, 2008 

Saint 'Nick' 

If you’re going to be serious about raising some funds at the Christmas church collection, get a professional to do it. 

May 11, 2010 

Good heavens 

When Pope Benedict XVI was considering Sister Mary MacKillop for sainthood, tarnished ex-WA premier Brian Burke was being found guilty of giving false testimony to the CCC. Considering he was once ambassador to the Holy See, Alston thought Burke may have also earned a halo above his head. 


October 15, 2010 

Inside Cover 

Mary MacKillop was cannonised after she performed two miracles. But surely, even Saint Mary couldn’t get a real person to answer the phone instead of a voice recording when ringing a telco? 

October 15, 2010 

Inside Cover 

Mary MacKillop was cannonised after she performed two miracles. But surely, even Saint Mary couldn’t get a real person to answer the phone instead of a voice recording when ringing a telco? 

June 1, 2017 

Cross court 

Margaret Court’s powerful forehand saw her win more major tournaments than any other player, but when she confirmed her strident opposition to same-sex marriage in her 2017 book, her tennis record took a back seat to what many people believed were bigoted beliefs.

June 1, 2017 

Cross court 

Margaret Court’s powerful forehand saw her win more major tournaments than any other player, but when she confirmed her strident opposition to same-sex marriage in her 2017 book, her tennis record took a back seat to what many people believed were bigoted beliefs.


August 2, 2017 

The perfect couple 

In 2017, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull pleaded with both sides of the same-sex marriage debate to campaign respectfully. But as those arguing for and against the issue got even more vitriolic, Alston came up with a safer option. 

August 2, 2017 

The perfect couple 

In 2017, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull pleaded with both sides of the same-sex marriage debate to campaign respectfully. But as those arguing for and against the issue got even more vitriolic, Alston came up with a safer option. 

December 29, 2018 

Festive faux pas 

As our supermarkets started advertising their specials for the festive season in the lead-up to New Year’s Eve, Alston wondered if the reason why we get a holiday break over Christmas had been forgotten… 

December 29, 2018 

Festive faux pas 

As our supermarkets started advertising their specials for the festive season in the lead-up to New Year’s Eve, Alston wondered if the reason why we get a holiday break over Christmas had been forgotten… 

December 1, 2022 

Yes, ministers 

When news broke that former prime minister Scott Morrison swore himself into five extra portfolios during the COVID-19 pandemic, many thought he had a God-like opinion of himself. Being a regular churchgoer, maybe he did. 

December 1, 2022 

Yes, ministers 

When news broke that former prime minister Scott Morrison swore himself into five extra portfolios during the COVID-19 pandemic, many thought he had a God-like opinion of himself. Being a regular churchgoer, maybe he did. 


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